Best Android Aquafy Water Tracker Reminder

Aquafy Water Tracker Reminder is an application categorized under “Health and Fitness” in the Google play store. This application is developed by Maximilian Keppeler and has content applicable to individuals aged 3+. It is compatible with android versions 6.0 and up and was most recently updated on Jul 8, 2022. The current version of the app is 1.0.1 and the size of the application varies with the device at use. It is available in Google Play and it has in app purchases that start from ₹85.00 – ₹3,150.00 per item that further enhance the user experience. This application has more than 1,000 installs.

Drinking various things like water and other beverages is something that we don’t pay much attention to. Hydration for the human body is extremely important. One needs a level of water to thrive and grow, without it we are dead. With all the modern-day facilities people don’t think twice when it comes to their daily water consumption and various other needs of the body. On the other hand, a vast number of people don’t drink enough water. The other half is completely unaware of the harmful effects that can happen from not staying hydrated. Tracking and maintaining your liquid consumption is something that we should all consider as it directly links to a healthier life.

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Aquafy Water Tracker Reminder is an app that allows its users to track their liquid intake. You can see if you are maintaining a good liquid intake by using this app. The app will give the users reminders on when they should drink water. This is extremely useful for people who just forget. When you enter the app you can create a custom profile that captures your physical features. Then the app will calculate your water requirements throughout the day. The app then will remind you when you will need to hydrate. The app also calculates the benefits of different beverages.

Oriented to drinks – Log all of your drinks, including caffeine, colas, shakes and everything else. You can maintain and log everything to meet your daily hydration requirements.

Stunning Design – the extremely beautiful design makes you want to use the app more. There is a level of customization when it comes to choosing themes. The interface focuses on simplicity and clarity to present the most important information and interactions at the glance.

Intelligent Reminders – Can select and Schedule custom reminders based on your daily hydration progress or time intervals.

App & Notification Widgets – Easy to add and beautiful Widgets allows you to log a beverage or keep track of your hydration progress.

Customizable Beverages- Setup your regular drinks and enrich them with a unique icon, color and label. Specify the temperature of the drink, as well as the hydration factor.

The app fulfils a specific goal and that is to make drinking water fun. As we all know drinking water is something that a lot of us don’t really take too seriously, but we should if we want to remain healthy. This app is a tool to promote a very healthy and necessary activity so it is always recommended to get all the advantages you can get to live healthier and happier.