Kids Doodle – Color & Draw – Best Drawing App for Kids

Kids Doodle – Color & Draw is an application categorized under “Education” in the Google play store. This application is developed by Doodle Joy Studio and has content suited for Everyone. It is compatible with android version 4.4 and up and was recently updated on 28 Jun 2020. The current version of the app is and the size of the application is 6 MB. It is available in Google Play store and it has no in app purchases making the app completely free to use. This application has more than 50,000,000 installs and has been reviewed by more than 432K users giving it a 4.3 rating in the Google play store.

Colouring is something that we have all done at some point of time or the other. I still remember colouring the images in my school textbooks even though I wasn’t supposed to. It is something that we do without really thinking. A lot of research has gone into why this is. Colouring in fact is proven to be a stress relieving activity. Along with being a stress reliever it also trains out motor skills and increases out intelligence. Colouring is one of the simplest things that you can introduce to a child. The bright colours and images instantly excite the child, and their brains begin to process the different patterns and the right colours that would go with the images. Research shows that especially among kids Colouring and drawing both help kids improve fine motor skills. It also trains the brain to focus on one activity Another great thing about colouring is that it is an inexpensive activity. Not a lot of money needs to be spent. A colouring set and a book will cost lest than 100 rupees. If you have a smartphone with a big enough screen, the whole activity of colouring becomes completely free. There are a lot of other benefits associated with colouring.  colouring promotes mindfulness. When a child is coloring all, their focus is on filling out the empty spaces withing an image, this is very closely related to meditation as focus is being drawn to a single activity. This soothing of the brain is extremely important to children as it can sooth the child. colouring also promotes imperfections, the world as we know it is not just black and while. There are a lot of grey areas. Colouring a banana red Is fine. There are no rules to colouring and the child can explore away using their own imagination. 


Kids Doodle – Color & Draw is one of the best free android apps out there for cloloring. As the name suggests this is a simple app made for kids. There are thousands of images that kids can choose from to color. The app also teaches kids to draw and shows tips and tricks to draw better. Some of the great features of the app are 

  • Thousands of colouring and drawing options to choose from. paint on photo or canvas, 24 brushes, such as glow, neon, fireworks, spark, star, rainbow, crayon, spray, ribbon, etc
  • Thousands of bright colors that pop. 
  • creative drawing and drawing classes
  • built-in art gallery stores both doodle and doodle animation
  • “movie” mode to play back the drawing like a little film
  • undo, redo
  • share drawing via Facebook, twitter, instagram, gmail, etc.