Khan Academy Kids – Best learning App for Kids

Khan Academy Kids is an application categorized under “Education” in the Google play store. This application is developed by the world-famous Khan Academy and has content suited for everyone. It is compatible with android version 5.0 and up and was recently updated on 26 Oct 2022. The current version of the app is 5.1.3 and the size of the application is 145Mb. It is available in Google Play store and it has no in app purchases making the app completely free to use. This application has more than 1,000,000 installs and has been reviewed by more than 37.5K users giving it a 4.6 rating in the Google play store.

Education is something that is of utmost importance in today’s world. Without proper education individuals will never be able to reap the rewards of this modernized world. The competition in the job market has also increased tenfold as more and more people are realizing the importance of a good education and subsequent career. With a steady income it has become easier for people to be able to get out of poverty and lift themselves up to the top of the corporate hierarchy. Constant feeding of the brain with information and knowledge is extremely important as it allows individuals to take advantage of the ever changing environment of today’s world. Mobile phones have played a large part in enhancing the knowledge of people. Using a smartphone and internet users can gain knowledge about anything and everything. You can easily write questions in search engines like google and you will immediately be provided with thousands of answers.  Khan academy is one of the organizations that was first to impart specific knowledge to people. I still remember looking up economic equations and its real world uses in khan academy’s Youtube channel. Since then, Khan Academy has grown substantially and has been awarded multiple recognitions due to its contribution to society. We need to realize that this information was never available to us in the past, we would need to attend specific classes in top universities to attain this sort of knowledge. Nowadays this is available with a click of a few buttons.


Khan academy kids as the name suggests is a learning app for kids. This educational program aims at educating kids between the ages of 2 and 8.  The app provides a ton of relevant material that is crucial for growing kids. The app covers key skills in math, reading, phonics, writing, social-emotional development, and more. The app has thousands of lessons that have derived exercises, activities to keep your child engaged, fun colourful books that entices and teaches the kids and fun games that enhances the kids IQ and mental development. The app also has a ton of fun songs and dances to ensure the kids are having a fun time while learning important lessons. 

The best part about this app is that its completely free to use and is constantly updated with new material. While many other apps put a price on kid’s education, Khan academy sticks to its roots and provide high quality education and related materials so that no one is left behind in this rat race.