Automatic Call Recorder ACR – Best app for recording calls

Automatic Call Recorder ACR is an application categorized under “Tools” in the Google play store. This application is developed by Q4U Mobile Apps and has content applicable to individuals aged 3+. It is compatible with android versions 4.4 and up and was most recently updated on Mar 25, 2022. The current version of the app is 21.0 and the size of the application varies with the device at use. It is available in Google Play and it has in app purchases that start from ₹35.00 – ₹1,300.00 per item that further enhance the user experience. This application has more than 10,000,000 installs and has been reviewed by more than 401K users giving it a 4.1 rating in the Google play store.

Speaking to friends, family, and strangers over the phone is something that we all do daily. Nowadays almost everyone has access to a smartphone because of how cheap good quality phones have become. It has almost become a necessity of life for most people. People can barely survive but they won’t be able to thrive if they are not using it. Nowadays with attention to social distancing people are talking over the phones more than ever. Earlier ways of communication required you to be near another device to make or receive a phone call. On the other hand, with a mobile phone users can be anywhere on the earth with cell service and they can make and receive calls. Due to all these benefits more and more, important information is being transmitted over mobile phones. Mobile phones are used throughout businesses to relay and receive important information all the time. The one amazing thing you can do while communicating over the mobile phone is you can record the conversation. This is almost like going back in time and reliving the conversation. This is also extremely important in a lot of situations. If you are trying to get some important instructions or trying to understand something deep you can always record the conversation and visit it later.

Automatic Call Recorder ACR is an extremely handy app that allows you to record call automatically. Giving the right permissions upon prompt will enable the app to run in the background, but don’t worry, it will not cause any memory or performance issues. After this you are all done. The true caller feature within the app allows you to see the caller before picking up the phone. Each call is recorded in high quality and cataloged within the app. You can access the app any time to play these recorded conversations. The app can also be protected by pin and fingerprint.

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Some of the main features of the app is

Fingerprint + PIN lock – So that you don’t have to worry about anyone snooping around

Backup to Drive – you can save all you recording to the cloud.

Improved Voice Quality on Both Sides – Smart recording algorithms allows the app to record each call in high quality.

Volume Booster – The volume booster option is always available if the call volume is low.