Best App For Art & Design – Krita

Krita is an application categorized under “Art and Design” in the Google play store. This application is developed by Stichting Krita
Foundation and has content applicable to individuals aged 3+. It is compatible with latest android versions and was recently updated on Aug 17, 2022. The current version and the size of the application vary with the device at use. It is available in Google Play and it has in app purchases that start from ₹950.00 per item that further enhance the user experience. This application has more than 500,000 installs.

We have all tried to draw something on our smartphones at one point or the other. It’s very natural as humans to create things. It’s also something that makes complete sense to do. With touch features being prevalent in phones, one would imagine that they can doodle or make some art when they are bored on their phones. There haven’t been a significant number of quality applications that use all the powerful features of modern-day smartphones. With the increase in screen size and processor speeds, one would expect people to be using smartphones to create exceptional art. There aren’t many apps that are good at capturing everything that artists need to create a masterpiece. Not a lot of importance is given to helping artists create, all of the digital equipment made for artist is extremely costly and would most of the time require additional tools like a laptop.

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Krita is an app that looks to address this problem. Krita is an exceptionally well-crafted app made for artists. The app allows its users to create and share content in many different formats. With high emphasis given to customization, artists can truly explore to their fullest intent. Artists can create illustrations, comics, animations, concept art, or storyboards. Krita really looks to address the issues that most painting apps have. The quality of ink and ease of use when it comes to customizing surpasses everything that’s out there right now. Along with everything that you would expect from an art app Krita brings forward some innovative features as well. There are great brush engines for sketching and painting. Stabilizers are provided for freehand inking. Assistants for constructing complex scenes, a distraction-free canvas-only mode for painting without bothering, clone layers, layer styles, filter and transform masks for non-destructive editing.

Some other features include

 Krita supports animation with onion skinning,

 Storyboarding and comic book project management,

 Scripting in Python,

 Many powerful filters, selection tools, colorizing tools, color-managed workflows and flexible workspaces

There is a lot of love poured into this app for the artists of the world. This can help you if you don’t have access to painting and other art- related material. Good art takes a lot of money and material to create. This app takes away the cost element. You can access every tool and color you can imagine. The only restriction is your creativity now.