Best App For Bike-Taxi Service Rapido: Bike-Taxi & Auto

Rapido: Bike-Taxi & Auto is an application categorized under “Maps and navigation” in the Google
play store. This application is developed by Rapido Bike Taxi and has content applicable to individuals aged 3+. It is compatible with android version 5.0 and up and above and was recently updated on Sep 22, 2022. The current version of the app is 7.6.2 and the size of the application varies with the device at use. It is available in Google Play and it has no in app purchases making the app completely free. This application has more than 10,000,000 installs and has been reviewed by more than 1.27M users giving it a 4.6 rating in the Google play store.

Being stuck in traffic is something that we all tread. Trying to get home from a very hard day at work and we stuck in traffic for 2 hours is one of the worst feelings that people can have. All you want to do is get home and relax on your sofa but everyone just had to get rich and get a car. The Roadways are rarely expanded and expansion is never really enough when it comes to India. With the increase in national and the disposable income of the people, the auto industry has also seen a boom. This widespread availability and the ever-increasing spending power of Indians have suddenly given rise to huge numbers of vehicles on the road. The lucky ones other people travelling in bikes and scooters. No Traffic and stop them as they weave past everything. Now only if all of the scooter and bike riders offered rides. Rapido makes this possible.

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Rapido is one of the first and largest bike-taxi service provider in India. The exceptionally cheap rates users can easily save money and time when it comes to commuting in metro cities. With the wide spread network of the app users can get taxi services within the span of few minutes. The app also provides you with auto services; whatever you need the app has you covered. Rapido is exceptionally easy to use and configure. All you need to do is enter your current location, set a destination point and choose the mode of transport. A rider will be automatically allocated to you; the app works out the closest rider and calculates the expected time of arrival at your destination. Show the user has complete transparency when it comes to expectations. The user will also get an idea of the traffic in the area. The main selling point of the app is the affordability and effectiveness. The safety also plays a major role, every Rapido ride is insured with Acko insurance without any extra cost. The riders also maintain high level of hygiene and safety.

Rapid has an ever-increasing amount of riders and auto drivers which is more than a million at this
point. With its high standard for safety and exceptional user reviews this application is a must have if
you are looking to you live in a metro city without having a vehicle.