Best Editing App-VITA Video Editor & Maker

VITA – Video Editor & Maker is an application categorized under “Video Players and Editors” in the Google play store. This application is developed by SNOW, Inc. and has content applicable to individuals aged 3+. It is compatible with android version 6.0 and up and was recently updated on Sep 28, 2022. The current version of the app is 233.3.5 and the size of the application varies with the device at use. It is available in Google Play and it has no in app purchases making the app completely free. This application has more than 50,000,000 installs and has been reviewed by more than 628K
users giving it a 4.3 rating in the Google play store.

Smartphones have always had the ability to capture and edit videos. The quality of these default applications which are inbuilt is very questionable. With smartphones boasting higher and higher quality cameras, photography and videography is one of the main reasons that a smartphones are bought for. Social media has also played a huge role the daily lives of people. Having a smartphone that has an ability to capture and edit videos with ease is something that everyone looks for nowadays. We can find hundreds of applications that allow you to edit and publish videos easily. One of the best applications that serve this purpose is Vita. With Vita, video enthusiasts without any prior experience can also create professional looking videos without spending a dime easily, users will be able to preview their final content, save their content and also share it on social media like
Facebook or Instagram from within the app.

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The main differentiation is a quality or features that are in the app. The ease of use along with the high level of customizability allows you to edit videos like a professional working on PC software. With high Emphasis given on the quality the app allows its users to make videos in movie quality on their phones. Some of the key features of the app are

Export and share videos in full HD – Make and share professional quality videos on your social media and YouTube

Speed up & add slow motion with the video speed option – you can make epic moments even more epic by inserting slow motion and that’s facts.

Add video transitions to make your videos look more cinematic- a smooth transition is something that is always appreciated, the app allows you to make seamless transition between scenes.

Apply filters to your videos for color grading- filters can always provide an atmospheric feeling to any situation. This again expands the creativity and restrictiveness of the film or video.

Special effects – you can add a surprisingly large amount of special effects that came completely change the quality of the video.

Music – seamlessly add music from any source to your videos. Just make sure that it’s not copyrighted.

The app also allows you to make great vlogs by providing a number of templates.

This is the perfect application for people who are interested in editing videos on the go. With the quality of the features provided you will get a very immersive experience.