Relax – Age Magic & amp; Meditation Best App for peaceful mind

Relax – Age Magic & Meditation is an application categorized under “Lifestyle” in the Google play store. This application is developed by go live llc and has content applicable to individuals aged 3+. It is compatible with android versions 5.0 and up and was most recently updated on Sep 19, 2022. The current version of the app is 1.76 and the size of the application varies with the device at use. It is available in Google Play and it has in app purchases that start from ₹95.00 – ₹8,600.00 per item that further enhance the user experience. This application has more than 10,000,000 installs and has been reviewed by more than 48.5K users giving it a 3.7 rating in the Google play store.

Relax – Age Magic & Meditation is a fun little app that has a lot of interesting features and functions. The overall UI and the feel of the app are extremely good and it’s fun to use. The app can be used for meditation as well. It has a number of tracks with meditation practices that are quite effective when it comes to relaxation. Some of the main features are

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Aging camera- the app you to get a depiction of how you would look if you were older. Users can choose three age options 10, 20, and 30. All you need to do is upload a selfie, choose the age you want to see yourself in, and let it work its magic. The results are fairly accurate representations of what you would look like.

Palmistry – Palmistry is something that a lot of people believe intently in. many people claim that history and the past are written in the palms of human beings. This app allows you to upload a scanned picture of your palm after which you will get results in a short. The app uses advanced analytics to compare palm data from over 3 million palm samples! Questions like Will you find your soul mate, When will you have a baby, is your relationship in danger, Will you make more money will, and many more be answered by the results.

Relax music and meditation – this is a great feature to follow the overall spiritual theme of the app. meditation is excellent practice at all stages in your life. If you are very rich and powerful meditation will help you stay grounded on the other hand if you are suffering and weak it will help you rise up from your passive state. A little bit of meditation every day can help you lower the chance of various illnesses that can harm us. You can choose a time and place where you will not be disturbed and
completely immersive yourself into a deep meditation using static music or guided meditation and breathing practices.

Overall, the app is extremely fun to use and it serves various functions. It also holds a steady theme.