VLC for Android

VLC for Android is an application categorized under “video players & editors” in the Google play
store. This application is developed by Videolabs and has content applicable to individuals aged 3+. It
is compatible with android versions 6.0 and up and was most recently updated on Sep 19, 2022. The
current version and the size of the application vary with the device at use. It is available in Google
Play and it has no in app purchases making the app completely free. This application has more than
100,000,000 installs and has been reviewed by more than 1.73M users giving it a 4.2 rating in the
Google play store.

With the increase in the functionality of mobile phones, one of its main features is playing videos on
the go. With an increase of the working class people, you usually do not get time to get comfortable
and watch videos in the luxury of your homes. Videos are being shared and played hundreds of
millions of times using video sharing apps such as Whatsapp and other messengers. This has led to
the need of having powerful video players that consume less power and give smooth performance.
Many of the default video players that come with mobile phones just don’t cut it in terms of quality
and performance. Additional problems arise when the format of the video becomes incompatible
with the default video player. This is where VLC player for android shines.

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All in one media player – you are able to play almost all media type files. You can even link it up to
network streams so that you get complete functionality of the video player while streaming online.
This can be very useful if you want to boost your volume or play around with the video settings.

Ultimate compatibility- All formats are supported, including MKV, MP4, AVI, MOV, Ogg, FLAC, TS,
M2TS, Wv and AAC. All codecs are included with no separate downloads. It supports subtitles,
Teletext and Closed Captions.

Library and playlist – you can create your own movie libraries and playlists using the VLC media

VLC media player is one of the first apps that you should download for your phone. It is completely
free and there are no annoying ads. It is a very easy to use straight forward media player that gives
more emphasis on functionality than style.