VN Video Editor Maker VlogNow

VN Video Editor Maker VlogNow is an application categorized under “video players & editors” in the
Google play store. This application is developed by Ubiquiti Labs, LLC and has content applicable to
individuals aged 3+. It is compatible with android versions 5.0 and up and was most recently
updated on Sep 27, 2022. The current version of the app is 2.0.1 and the size of the application
varies with the device at use. It is available in Google Play and it has in app purchases that start from
₹249.00 – ₹1,099.00 per item that further enhance the user experience. This application has more
than 100,000,000 installs and has been reviewed by more than 1.97M users giving it a 4.5 rating in
the Google play store.

With smartphones becoming substantially better with each new year, smartphones have become a
sort of default camera for most people. The ability to capture and edit video is a necessity in a
smartphone. Many developers of smartphones don’t give much importance to this aspect of the
device. The ability to tinker with and have complete freedom over your device is what most
smartphone users look for when buying a mobile. In this day and age, our mobile phones serve as
cameras and cam recorders. With the ever-increasing penetration of social media and websites like
YouTube, Instagram, etc there is a booming market for video content creation. Nowadays it’s
necessary to have expensive recording and editing devices to create quality content. VN Video Editor
Maker VlogNow is a free app that allows its users to create and edit videos with relative ease.

Download Here

VN Video Editor is an all-in-one video editor and movie maker app. Usually, you would need a PC
with video editing software to make quality videos with the right cuts. With VN Video Editor Users
can make and edit videos on the go. This is especially useful when since shorts are all the hype these
days. You can quickly stitch together a video in no time and post it on any social media site with
ease. The ease of use is what makes this video editor stand out from the rest. This doesn’t mean that
pros won’t enjoy it. The paid version of the app offers a lot more features for those who are editing
enthusiasts. With VN Video Editor, video enthusiasts without any prior experience can also create
professional looking videos without spending a dime easily, users will be able to preview their final
content, save their content and also share it on social media like Facebook or Instagram from within
the app. Some of the free and easier features for beginners are

Zoom in/out of the timeline.

Tap to split, drag, delete, and duplicate video clips.

Save draft whenever you need a break.

Overall this is a great app if you are interested in video editing. If you end up being really good at it,
you can even get the paid version and fully unleash you creativity.